Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Shout Out

My friends' twins turned 9 today.  As I was sitting at their movie birthday party, I teared up thinking about how fast they have grown.  It has been said before, it will be said many times again, "children grow up too fast."  The twins are the reason I became most certain that I wanted to be a mom.  The twins are the reason that I can tolerate shows like Yo Gabba Gabba or consider caffeine content before I offer them a swig of my drink.  They are the reason I started to attend birthday parties, participate at the petting zoo, and actually come out of my house on Halloween.  The twins opened up a new door of experience.  The door that says, "see how awesome the world is from our eyes."  Now they are 9 and my baby Joss is 9 months.  If I didn't fall in love with them first, I'm not sure I would have wanted a child as badly as I wanted Josslyn.  They are more inspiration than they will ever know.

Joss didn't go to the party, but I brought her by to see them later on in the day. I love who Josslyn is around Stella, Thomas, and Jo Jo.  She loves to be be thrown into the mix of kids, pets, and  mountain of toys.  I love that she is as comfortable with this family as I am.

They say you shouldn't compare your child to other people's children.  I agree with that to a degree.  Of course every child is unique and should be accepted and nurtured.   But there is such a pure peace that comes from looking at the good in Amy and Tony's children and though I'm not comparing, I am hoping to instill that goodness in Joss.    I want her to have Stella's fearlessness and strong sense of self.  I want her to be silly and loving like James.  I want her to be a leader and considerate like Thomas.  I want her to possess the kindness, intelligence, and love that all three children emulate.  I don't think there is anything wrong in looking at the way things are done effectively with children and wanting the same for my child.  I will accept her for all that she is, but I certainly want to help her navigate through this wide, wondrous, and often unforgiving world.  I am so grateful that I have models of healthy, thriving children around us. 

All too soon Josslyn will be turning 9 years old.  I just want to fill her journey there with many open doors, people who love her, and my hopes and dreams for her health and happiness.

Happy birthday Stella and Thomas.  Baby Joss and I love you!

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