Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Catching Up

I was reminded by a dear friend tonight to catch up on my blog.  So much has happened since my last post.  Let me rephrase that:  EVERYTHING has happened since my last post.  My beautiful baby girl has made her debut into the world.  After 36 hours of labor and a C-section, she rocked my world on June 20th, 2012.  She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 and 1/2 inches long.  I have never loved anything or anyone as much as this child.  She is everything I hope she would be and more.  I honestly can't even imagine that I really existed before her.  I wish I would have blogged about her birth closer to when it occurred, because I think it would be a little more raw and honest.  After a month of being Josslyn's mom, the only thing I can remember is how amazing it was to hear her cry and how incredibly blessed I felt when I first held her in my arms.  I would experience labor 100 times over for her. Looking back I know that dealing with the pain of the C-section was difficult and adjusting to the lack of sleep was torture, but the immense joy I feel from motherhood trumps all the pain, worry, and shock I felt.  I was so ready for her.  We were ready for each other.

Jossy is turning 4 weeks old tomorrow.  I could cry that I no longer have a newborn.  She is healthy and sweet and spirited.  She is beyond perfect.   Well, perfect for me any way.  She is good natured and generally happy.  She is strong willed and knows what she wants.  I knew her in utero and I know her now.  She ebbs and I flow. 

There will be much to write about my baby girl.  For now I'll say motherhood is the most difficult, yet most wonderful experience of my life.  I'm sure I will never feel caught up with this blog or with life.  But if it's Jossy that I'm running behind, I can so live with that.

                                                                            1 hour old

4 weeks old

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